Examinations & Promotions

Examinations & Promotions


As a general rule, Students absent from any examination will not be examined thereafter, but absence due to illness may be considered on producing a Medical Certificate in this regard. But submission of a Medical Certificate does not make any claim for Re-Examination.

A child may be debarred from an examination, if his/her progress in studies is Unsatisfactory, Attendance is insufficient and due to Serious Misconduct etc.

It is compulsory to pass both in Theory and in Practical, separately in the subjects which have practicals.

No Child without a minimum of 80% attendance will be allowed to appear in the final exam.


Promotion of a child (Class Nursery to XI) to the next class will be decided on the basis of the cumulate performance in the Examinations. It Comprises of two terms – Term I (Two Test & One Examination) + Term 2 (One Test & One Examination). Every child has to pass in individual Test/Examination and in the Aggregate. Regular Attendance and Steady Work will be a condition for Promotion.