Code of Conduct and Work

Code of Conduct and Work

1. Every pupil must wear the prescribed and neatly laundered School Uniform and Polished Shoes. He/she should speak in English in the campus as well as in outside conversation.

2. Every pupil must attend the school regularly and reach on time. Leave of Absence would be granted for a bonafide reason only.

3. Whenever a pupil is not able to attend the school for a day or part of the day, a note from the parent/guardian is necessary.

4. A pupil who is found to be habitually absent without any bonafide reason or any explanation from the parent/guardian, is liable to have his/ her name struck off the School Register, after serving a Notice in this regard.

5. Homework assigned to the pupil by the teacher should be done carefully, regularly and systematically. Guardians/Parents are, requested to co-operate with the School Authorities by looking into the Diary of their ward.

6. Every pupilis required to bring the books, according to the Time-Table.

7. No pupil should bring any valuable article to the school.

8. Each pupil is expected to be responsible for the safe custody of his /her books and other belonging. Library books marked, disfigured or damaged will have to be replaced or to be paid by the borrower

9. Students must maintain Absolute Silence in the Class Rooms, Library and at the Mess.

10. Any damage done by a pupil to the building, furniture, apparatus or any other school property is liable to be made good by the parent/guardian.

11. Parents/Guardians will not visit their Wards at the Hostel or their Teacher in the classroom, with – out the permission of the Principal.

12. Each pupil should get his/her Progress Report signed by his/her Parent/Guardian within three days of its receipt.

13. The school reserves the right to terminate the students, neglecting studies, grave indiscipline, constant poor performance and irregular in Attendance.

14. Changing of class rooms between periods during exams or other emergencies should be done in silence and in an orderly fashion.

15. Morning Assembly is a solemn occasion. Each student is expected to sing songs, prayers and the National Anthem with devotion and due respect.

16. Use of Ink pen is encouraged from class V.