Rules of Discipline

Rules of Discipline

1. Leave of Absence: Every pupil is required to take permission from the Principal prior to taking leave. In case of an emergency such as illness, the Leave Application may be sent, but if it is more than two days, a Medical Certificate should be submitted along with the Leave Application. Parents/Guardians are required to note “L” against that day/days in the form provided in the Diary.

Leave will be granted in cases of illness and in exceptional cases only on valid reasons. When the school sends a student for competitions/games etc, he will be counted as present, if required. No Leave will be granted on the National Festivals

Absence for more than three days, immediately after a Break/Vacation uninformed renders the student, liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls.

2. Sickness: A student returning to School, after an infectious or contagious disease, should produce a Fitness Certificate from a Doctor permitting him/her to attend the School.

3. Punctuality: Pupils must be ready before the School Bus reaches to pick them up from the destination/stop. The Bus may not wait for more than a minute. All the Students are required to be in school before 7:55 a.m. in the Summer and 8:25 a.m. in the Winter.

4. Uniform: All the pupils are required to be in their full School Uniform on all days, except their Birthday.

5. Attendance: It is compulsory for the Students to complete a minimum of 80% of their attendance in the session to make them eligible for promotion to the next class.

6. General: The Students are not allowed to carry Mobile Phones with them. In case of emergency the Student may contact the Teacher Concerned, who will allow them to use the Office Telephone after obtaining permission from the Principal/Director.

7. Laboratory Rule: The Students should be careful of using chemicals in the Laboratory. They will be solely responsible for any injury, due to their negligence. They will also be responsible for the careless handling of instruments and materials.