Characteristics of School

Characteristics of School

High Standards without contrived competition:

The School fosters competition with One’s own pace. This approach teaches children to value their own efforts and appreciate those of others and provides them opportunities to grow and develop constantly and succeed at the end.

A Human and Global Outlook:

IAPS Family expects its students to be strong, principled but sensitive human beings and responsible citizens with a profound sense of commitment to social justice, Secularism, environment, tolerance and world peace. When these determined and poised young ambassadors from IAPS go out into the world, we know, they will leave their marks whichever field they may embark upon.

Gender Equality:

Boys and girls are able to grow-up together with mutual respect and regard on an equal footing to one another.

Child-Cantered approach to learning:

We make a concerted effort to provide a warm and loving environment where children are encouraged and praised often. All learning experiences are introduced carefully at an appropriate age level. To ensure the total development of the children, there is a particular emphasis on experiential learning.

A Balanced and Challenging Curriculum:

The curriculum is coordinated to provide a smooth progression from year to year and then to the Senior School. A conscious and concerted effort is made towards development of the whole personality.

An Emphasis on creative work:

Drama, Arts, Music and Technology are emphasized in formal and informal ways of learning.

The Encouragement of Initiative and a Sense of Adventure:

By organizing activities like educational tours. Field trips, camp awareness programmes, workshops and house systems, students are provided with a variety experiences to foster the spirit of innovation and adventure.

Ongoing Staff Development Programmes:

Teacher Resource Centre (TRC) Is the nerve centre of all critical thinking and planning. In the TRC, teacher preparation is enhanced through sharing of class room experiences, preparing teaching aids, developing an integrated approach through regular interaction in the specified periods for the qualitative improvements in School Education, There is a wide collection of books and educational magazines in the TRC for reference, TRC is open to the teachers of other schools as well, Such an interaction is always enriching, In the similar way, plan for a Student Resource Centre (SRC) is on the anvil, we organize regular Workshops and Training Programmes to upgrade and update teachers to the latest methods and concepts in Education.

A Commitment to Conservation:

The IAPS family is committed to the conservation of environmental heritage at all levels and is actively involved in the protection of the same

A Commitment to Service:

We seek to harness the Abundant Resources of Compassion and Helpfulness in children by providing opportunities for practical services both within the school and in the community at large.


IAPS is set on a 6 acres land off Udaipur Ahmedabad NH 8, Near to New lIM Campus and is proud of its lush lawns, assorted plants and flowers, which bring students closer to Nature.

We have Day-Schooling and Boarding facilities with a low, pupil-teacher ratio for individual care and attention.

The School Building is designed artistically and aesthetically to cater to the needs of the young and the growing children. The Eco-friendly environment is conducive to promote good health and well-being. There is sufficient space for all types of Curricular, Co-curricular and Extra-curricular activities. The entire campus has been planned to function as a dynamic and inter- connected whole, comprising of Administrative Block, Science and Computer, Laboratories, Library, Activity Hal, Hostels, Gymnasium, Swimming Pools and well- ventilated and spacious Classrooms with modern furniture and space for variety of games and other related activities.

IAPS Library is revered as the Temple of Learning and is superbly equipped with a variety of books with different titles. The Students have free access to all the reading materials ranging from a variety of encyclopaedias to general information including current magazines of specific subjects and a generous collection of Fictions, Autobiographies, and Biographies etc.

Here the Students receive individualized attention and are taught through games, some of which have been designed in the Learning Centre itself.